Hacettepe Çocuk Cerrahisi ve Çocuk Ürolojisi Uzmanı Prof.Dr. Arbay Özden Çiftçi

Akademik ve İdari Görevler
■ Rektör Danışmanı (2016-2020)
■ Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi (2018-2022)
■ Sağlık Ekonomisi ve Sağlık Politikası Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Müdürü (2017-Halen)
■ Çocuk Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı Öğretim Üyesi (1996-Halen)
■ Çocuk Ürolojisi Bilim Dalı Başkanı (2016-Halen)
■ Tıp Fakültesi Dönem V Koordinatörü (2003-2009)

1. Çiftçi A.Ö,Donnell S.C,Pierro A, Cook R.C.M, Turnock R.R, Lloyd D.A: Enteral feeding and weight gain after repair of congenital intrinsic duodenal obstruction (CIDO).
The British Association of Paediatric Surgeons, XXXX. Annual International Congress, Manchester, England, 1993
2.Çiftçi A.Ö,Pierro A, Cook R.C.M, Lloyd D.A: Cystic fibrosis and complicated meconium ileus.
The British Association of Paediatric Surgeons, XXXX. Annual International Congress, Manchester, England, 1993
3. Pierro A,Çiftçi A.Ö,Cook R.C.M: Meconium ileus: trends in management and outcome.
The British Association of Paediatric Surgeons, XXXX. Annual International Congress, Manchester,England, 1993
4. Çiftçi A.Ö, Şenocak M.E, Büyükpamukcu N,Hiçsönmez A: Posterior
urethral valves: 16 years' experience of a pediatric surgery clinic.
Union of National Pediatric Societies of Turkish Republics, Regional Pediatric Congress, Ankara, Turkey, 1993
5. Şenocak M.E,Çiftçi A.Ö, Büyükpamukcu N,Hiçsönmez A: Results of transpubic repair in post traumatic prostatomembranous strictures.
Union of National Pediatric Societies of Turkish Republics, Second Regional Pediatric Congress,Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 1994
6. Çiftçi A.Ö,Şenocak M.E,Büyükpamukcu N,Hiçsönmez A: Gastric outlet obstruction due to corrosive ingestion: The incidence and outcome.
The British Association of Paediatric Surgeons, XLIV Annul International Congress, İstanbul, Turkey, 1997
7. Çiftçi A.Ö, Tanyel F.C, Büyükpamukcu N, Hiçsönmez A: Gastrointestinal tract perforation due to blunt abdominal trauma.
The British Association of Paediatric Surgeons, XLIV Annual International Congress,İstanbul, Turkey, 1997
8. Çiftçi A.Ö, Tanyel F.C, Karnak İ, Büyükpamukcu N, Hiçsönmez A:
In-utero defecation: Fact or fiction
The British Association of Paediatric Surgeons, XLIV Annual International Congress,İstanbul, Turkey, 1997
9. Çiftçi A.Ö, Sara Y, Tanyel F.C, Bozdağ Ö, Orer H, Onur R,Hiçsönmez
A: The role of nitrergic system in Hirschsprung's disease.
4th Regional congress of Pediatric Societies of Turkish Speaking
Countries with International Partipication.Baku, Azerbaıjan, 1997
10. Çiftçi A.Ö, Tanyel FC, Büyükpamukcu N, Hiçsönmez A: Female
breast masses during childhood: A 25-Year Review
4thRegional congress of Pediatric Societies of Turkish Speaking
Countries with International Partipication.Baku, Azerbaıjan, 1997
11. Çiftçi A.Ö, Tanyel FC, Koloğlu-Bingöl M, Sahin S,Büyükpamukcu N:
Fetal distress does not affect in utero defecation but impairs the clearance ofamniotic fluid.
The British Association of Paediatric Surgeons, XLV Annual International Congress,Bristol, England,1998
12. Çiftçi A.Ö, Tanyel FC, Şenocak ME, Sahin S,Büyükpamukcu N, Hiçsönmez A: Biochemical predictors for differentiating intraperitoneal and extraperitoneal bladder perforations.
The British Association of Paediatric Surgeons, XLV Annual International Congress,Bristol, England, 1998
13. Çiftçi A.Ö,Şenocak ME, Tanyel FC, Büyükpamukçu N:
Clinical predictors for differentiating testicular torsion.
4thEuropean Congress of Pediatric Surgery Budapest, Hungary, 2001
14. Çiftçi A.O, Tanyel FC, Şenocak ME, Büyükpamukçu N:
Pheochromocytoma in children.
4thEuropean Congress of Pediatric Surgery Budapest, Hungary, 2001
15. Çiftçi A.Ö,Şenocak ME, Tanyel FC, Büyükpamukçu N:
Adrenocortical tumors in children.
4thEuropean Congress of Pediatric Surgery Budapest, Hungary, 2001
16. Bingöl-Koloğlu M,Çiftçi A.O, Şenocak ME, Tanyel FC, Büyükpamukçu N:
Testicular tumors in children
4thEuropean Congress of Pediatric Surgery Budapest, Hungary, 2001
17. Karnak İ,Çiftçi AÖ, Şenocak ME, Tanyel FC, Büyükpamukçu N: Colonic atresia: Surgical management and outcome
4thEuropean Congress of Pediatric Surgery, Budapest, Hungary, 2001
18. Yalçın Ş,Çiftçi AÖ,Karaağaoğlu E,Tanyel FC, Şenocak ME:How do different presenting and therapeutic modalities change the outcome in intussception
9thEuropean Congress of Paediatric Surgery, Istanbul 2008
19. Yalçın Ş,Çiftçi AÖ,Akçören Z,Tanyel FC, Şenocak ME: Management of benign ovarian lesions in childhood
9thEuropean Congress of Paediatric Surgery, Istanbul 2008.
20. Ardicli B, Ciftci AO, Akyuz C, Kutluk MT, Yalcin B, Orhan D, Tanyel FC, Karnak I, Ekinci S: Adrenocortical Tumors in Children.
The 51th Congress of the “Société Internationale d’Oncologie Pédiatrique” (SIOP), Lyon, France, 2019.
21. Ardicli B, Ciftci AO, Akyuz C, Kutluk MT, Yalcin B, Orhan D, Tanyel FC, Karnak I, Ekinci S: Pheochromocytoma in Children.
The 51th Congress of the “Société Internationale d’Oncologie Pédiatrique” (SIOP), Lyon, France, 2019.
22. Ardicli B, Ekinci S, Ciftci AO, Tanyel FC, Orhan D, Akyuz C, Karnak I: Pediatric Non-Wilms Renal Tumors.
The 51th Congress of the “Société Internationale d’Oncologie Pédiatrique” (SIOP), Lyon, France, 2019.
23. Ekinci S, Ardicli B, Karnak I, Tanyel FC, Ciftci AO: An Unusual Complication of Tumor Surgery: Chylous Leak
The 51th Congress of the “Société Internationale d’Oncologie Pédiatrique” (SIOP), Lyon, France, 2019.
24. User IR, Ardicli B, Ciftci AO, Karnak I, Tanyel FC, Oguz B, Haliloglu M, Kutluk T, Varan A, Ekinci S: Early Postoperative Complications after Abdominal Solid Tumor Surgery in Childhood.
The 54th Congress of the “Société Internationale d’Oncologie Pédiatrique” (SIOP), Barcelona, Spain, 2021.
25. Ardicli B, User İR, Oguz B ,Haliloglu M, Ciftci AO, Karnak I, Tanyel FC, Kutluk T, Kurucu N, Bajin I, Orhan D, Ekinci S : Impact od chemotherapy on image defined risk factors of mediastinal neuroblastoma.
The 34th International Symposium On Paediatric Surgical Research (ISPSR), Winnipeg, Canada, 2021.
26. User IR, Ardicli B, Ciftci AO, Karnak I, Tanyel FC, Oğuz B, Haliloglu M, Kutluk T, Aydin GB, Orhan D, Ekinci S. Childhood pulmonary metastesectomy: Shifting paradigm.
The 34th International Symposium On Paediatric Surgical Research (ISPSR), Winnipeg, Canada, 2021.


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